Brat-3: ACTR Students Community
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This is online community of international students studying in the USA.
The site where students help students to survive and thrive during their stay in America.
International Students Online

    AbroadPlanet Forums -> Brat-3: ACTR Students Community Post new topic
10-Apr-2002 11:53 PM
 OK, I've heard some people want to stay in the US...
You know what?...I think this is a damn crazy idea. First of all this program is sorta "braintrain"...they selevt the smartest kids, right? And thenm try to promote them to stay here. Sopme folks manage to do that by finding sponsors /scholarships...I was about to go through all this shit , but I didn't. Wanna know the reason? Coz I don't belong in here!!! This country, people, culture is FOREIGN. and they don't accept anybody new, a stranger, with his/her beliefs, smb who is different, you have to act, to be smn else, but not who u really r to earn their appreciation. and i hate acting out just to be accepted somewhere. Plus...who in hell loves you here?..and at home you've got friends, fiancees, parents, teachers, and they really do care about u , while in here nobody gives a damn shit. This is what I've learned. you might think that my experience as an exchange was bad..No! Not at all. it was educational. I've learned that our people is better,but I dont mind visiting US once in a while.
Thank you.
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

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