Brat-3: ACTR Students Community
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    AbroadPlanet Forums -> Brat-3: ACTR Students Community Post new topic
01-Sep-2000 01:18 AM
  Privet iz zhenskogo monastyrya.
Privet vsem is zhenskogo colledja. V new-Yorke 9. 20. Metso classnoe, no vchera ya uzhe sobiralas' pakovat' chemodany i ehat' domoi, k mame. Predstav'te, vchera priehalo 15 international students, iz nih slavyanok 2, ya i Tanya, 12 yaponok i 1 kitayanka. Takogo culture shoka u menya eshe ne bylo. Ya chut' ne stala rasistkoi za dva chasa. Na angliiskom oni govoryat kak ya na kitaiskom, obshaemsya yazykom zhestov i otdelnymi slovami. Igra v crocodila pomogla, ne zhrya prakticovalis' nochami.
Rebyata, zenite Alabamy, eto skaska. Ochen' po vam vsem skuchau. No segodnya use luchshe, vstretili devchonky is Belorusii, ona sdes' use 2 goda, u nee est' mashina, tak chto ona smoset podvosit' nas. My organisovali tut Slavyanskuu diaspory, govorim po russki.
No voobshe etot coledge mozhet opravdat' tol'ko 2 veshi. Pervaya, tut est' goryachii cofe i vtoroe, u menya v comnate svesdnoe nebo, zaviduite.
Rebyata, ne molchite.
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

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The time now is: Wed Sep 11:09 am
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