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28-Oct-2000 04:29 AM
  For NEO and Co
Hey Andy!
I know you are quite busy, but after all, you are the creator of this portal...
Could you please erase some of the most abusive messages like the two above? They insult anybody reading them, not only their addressee!
I don't think ACCELS had this kind of entertainment in mind when they asked you to develop this forum.
I believe some kind of mild censorship is still all right.
Thanx, man! I hope I did not sound too demanding.
[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

31-Oct-2000 11:48 PM
 Re: For NEO and Co
Nikakoy ACCELS ne prosil menya delat' etot forum:-))) Eto bulo sdelano po moey sobstvenoy iniciative...
a to shto tu govorish shto ya zanyat - tak prav na 100 procentov....
sechas ya posvyachu Yerkina v moderatoru, pust' on etim i zanimaetsya:-)))
Vseravno on tut bol'she menya vremeni provodit.

Have a blessed day,

[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

01-Nov-2000 12:08 AM
 Re: For NEO and Co
Tolko ty ob etom uzhe stolko govorish, a na dele poka nichego net :6

Nu delo tvoe - ty tut otec-osnovatel' ;)

[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

01-Nov-2000 05:38 AM
 Re: For NEO and Co
You want to be a moderator, so you'll be... Congratulations!
[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

02-Nov-2000 11:06 PM
 Re: For NEO and Co
timurchik [guest] from
Thank YOU!!!
You made me feel much better now when some c-p is cleared up!
Never knew that the chat was your iniciative - now I'm really proud of being in one country and breathing the same air with one of the best webmasters I know (I don't know more than a couple of them, but who cares)!
Hey - and are you sure you want this YERKin on your place?
Once having a row with Rus he'll erase all of his masterpieces!
Do not let him do THAT!!!

[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

02-Nov-2000 11:23 PM
 Re: For NEO and Co
Slushal shto lyudi govoryat:-)))))!

shtobu ves' bazar Rusa ostalsya dlya istorii! Mojet on vnukam pokazauvat' budet!

[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

03-Nov-2000 12:32 AM
 Re: For NEO and Co
Toooooo late
[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

03-Nov-2000 05:35 AM
 Re: For NEO and Co
Daaaa. The ideas behind his stories are really good!!! Why erase such a nice initiative of linking people together? Don't you see how people are waiting impatiently for the Yerkin's next adventures, or fraternity life?! They even quarell because of this!
[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

Community Moderators: Neo, LILKA
The time now is: Mon Sep 09:09 pm
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