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27-Oct-2000 11:45 PM
  Hi, malen`kaya loshadka!
Vot imenno malen`kih loshadok, kotorye lyubyat rasspuskat` vo vremya medlennyh tanzev svoi dlinnye kopytza, bol`shie zubastye akuly obychno i kusayut. I esli ty ne pomnish, to takie protivnye sozdaniya zhivut imenno vo Floride, kuda vy tak regulyarno kataetes` vse vashei shumnoi kompaniei.
Zhdu ne dozhdus` novyh fotok, nadeyus` na etot raz tam budet ne tol`ko etot tolstyi i nahal`nyi bryunet gruzinskoi nazional`nosti, a pobol`she milyh i simpatichnyh brat`ev-slavyan s ukrainskimi last-names.
Privet Brende,
zeluyu, tvoya bezotvetnaya lyubov`.
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

28-Oct-2000 04:59 PM
 Re: Hi, malen`kaya loshadka!
You are my little whores er..... horse, that was a honest screw-up, I swear, I am just too bad at languages. So you are my little horse and I'm your little rhino. Is that pretty baby? Come on. I don't get this shit what is this message all about ha? So would you care to elaborate? Just explain your little stupid rhino friend what you mean. Thanks.
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

29-Oct-2000 08:16 PM
 Re: Hi, malen`kaya loshadka!
My dear little stupid Rus, all this shit has nothing to do with you, so relax and have a good time.
Loving, Nadia.
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

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