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19-Mar-2001 02:01 AM
  Gde vse???
Ny vot, teper ya poyavilas, a vse kyda-to propali...
People, are you avoiding me or you are just having fun on your break???
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

19-Mar-2001 05:13 AM
 Re: Gde vse???
Privet Oles'! ya zdes, u sebya na rodnom campuse, vmeste s nashimi rodnimi chelovekami s Moldovi i s Tatarstana i s Kirgizstana,a amerikancev uje net, vijili ix iz campusa) segodnya mi vse vmeste prigotovili jarennuyu kartoshku i salat, pomnish, takie kak doma, kotorie delayut na kuxne a ne v dining halle kakom to? Tak klassno bilo, zavtra budem delat' borsh, a potom k nam eshe pod'edut xlopci s Ukraini, vernee odna, i eshe odna nasha Lenka s KIrgizstana, togda vobshe vsya companiya budet v zbore) Takie vot dela, esho pritvoryaemsya shto delaem uroki, inogda daje vser'ez chitaem.
A kak u tebya dela? vse raz'exalis', forum pustuet uje neskolko dnei. Ti shas gde? na campuse ili gulyaesh gde-to?
v lyubom sluchae have fun, poka-poka...
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

19-Mar-2001 07:01 PM
 Re: Gde vse???
Gayoshka! Tu voobsche obnaglela---pro takie vkysnue veschi pisat... Razve mozhno tak draznit liydej?! Ya tozhe etogo hochy...
Ya sechas yzhe na ychebe, moya break yzhe zakonchilas--segodnya pervuy den zaniyatiy. I iz-za etogo ya opyat skyachaiy po domy, potomy chto kak-to ne hochetsya ychitsya. Voobsche net nastroeniya nichego delat.
A y kogo kak nastroenie--ychitsya hochetsya. Ya yzhe slushy Kirilla, da znaiy, Kirill, chto tebe vsegda hochetsya ychitsya )) Ne to chto mne.(( Voobsche, kak y vas academicheskie yspehi zdes?
Ladno, poka. Gayane, enjoy your food!!! )
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

19-Mar-2001 08:56 PM
 Re: Gde vse???
Privet rebyata jan!
Oles'ka, moi glubochayshie soboleznovania po povodu nachala urokov. Ye tebya tak ponimayu kogda govorish shto kogda nastroenia netu, nevozmojno uchitsa, da i ne xochetsa.... A Kirilla ya toje slyshu, on molodets ))
U meny vse prosto klassno. Po Californii gulyayu. Xotya inogda takoe vpechatlenie chto ya doma v Armenii, vokrug gory, i po armyanski govoryat. Tipa "Ararat" Nparatun. Ili: "Masis" haircut. Ili: "Sevana" Seafood store. vobshem, polneishiy otpad ) Get this Gayush jan ) The other day I was walking down the beach in Santa Barbara with friends, and then I hear someone say "Stex menak mi hat kyababi maghalna pakas", and then someone answers, "ha iskakan kyababnots dnelu texa" I was laughing for like half an hour. Yesterday I was in Magic Mountains (Six Flags of California) and even there I met Armenias. I went there with my odnokursnik Karen, Gayush jan, you may remember him, he's an FSA too. We went on every single roller-coaster in that damned park. My head was feeling kinda confused in the evening )) Dazed and Confuzed....)
So yeah, it's kinda fun.. come to think about it, I have 4 more days of this paradise...
Nu vse ya poshla dal'she gulyat'.. vy tozhe gulyayte ) rock this place people !!!!
PS. About food: I've been eating dolma for 2 days already.. Rayskoe naslajdenie )
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

20-Mar-2001 04:54 AM
 Re: Gde vse???
Alinka, Y menya est 2 questiona k tebe.
1. Chto takoe dolma?
2. Ya konechno ponimaiy vashy Armenian language, but I am not fluent, you know )))))))))))) So ne mogla bu tu translate to chto tam na armyanskom, chtob ya tozhe posmeyalas.
I will appreciate your answers. Thanx a lot!!!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

20-Mar-2001 08:43 PM
 Re: Gde vse???
Privet Oles' jan.
Izvini chto ya tut po-armyanski nagovarila...
Sobstvenno rech' shla ob armyanskoy ede...
Dolma eto vkysnyatina.... Eto myasnoy farsh, s risom, so vsyakimi pryanostyami, s zelen'yu, wrapped in cabbage leaves, or sometimes even pomidory i baklajany, to chto vnutri vynimayut u vnutr' etot myasnoy farsh... i tak vkusno.. vay, mama jan... Ladno priedesh sama uvidish'.. (kstati you're welcome any time, armyane gosteprimnye, Nurbek znaet, ya odnazhdy emu obyasnila )
A tam kogda po armyanski... Nu ty zhe znaesh chto armyane vezde... Eto izza genotsida i izza etix poslednix let trudnoy zhizni... Nu vot, a v Santa Barbare ya nikak ne ozhidala vstretit armyanina, xotya v Kalifornii ix okolo 800 tysyach.. Nu vot, xodim s druzyami po plyazhu, a tut slyshu kto to govorit, zdes' tol'ko nexvataet maghala dlya kyababa (kyabab eto armyanskaya eda, vrode poxoje na to chto greki nazyvayut kebabom, a maghal eto to zheleznoe prisposoblenie na chem delayut kyabab), nu vot, a tam kakaya to zhenshina emy otvechaet, da, zdes' tol'ko etogo nexvataet... Eto bylo smeshno potomuchto ma ulitsax kogda kyabab delayut, eto sovsem po vostochnomu, znaesh, that wouldn't fit into the streets of Santa Barbara.. You know what I'm talking about???
this is it, jana. Priedesh k nam, sdelaem tebe i dolma i kyabab, i vse ostal'noe. Po polnoy programme )
Nu vse mne vyxodit v downtown LA. Poka rebyata.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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