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30-Jan-2001 06:36 PM
  Commander is back (especially for Alibek and Olesya)
Hey guys, commander is back now..That's me - Kirill Zuykov from Ukraine to make it clear, because not everyone knows me under this nickname.
Ok, what's going on there guys at your places, ready to go home??? i am almost, having the large "luggage of knowledge in finance" and being really homesick last days...especially during the 3 - month figthing with Margaret Stephenson to give me Immigration and Naturalization Service Agency a special approval to work off campus, because i was propposed a work in a bank, i wanted it to be counted as intership also, but she doesn't want to let me do that ,although she is not saying it directly, but she postponed the process of geting that INS approval for almost 3 months, because i found that work at the of October, but have not started yet!! And i am not going to start anything else, because she pissed me off with that damned approvation process and it is her blame i ma not working and don't have intership yet and don't have stipend too!!! Cool, i am running out of money at all, but hoping for the best still!!!
Now, Alibek, please keep in touch with me, i wanna speak to you before leaving the USA, we have lots of problems and questions to discuss...Please contact me as soon as possible by Email , my phone number is:
(940) 397-7940...that's my direct number.
I am waiting for your call, because i don't have any money to call you..OK.

Olesya nice to hear that you are much better now, because i was really anxious about you and your sudden and mysterious illness...
Ok , so now you are doing much better, and take care about yourself, Ukrainian girl!

Alina special thanks to you for your letter, i sent you a reply-message too.
Ok, best wishes to you guys and have fun and enjoy your last months in the USA...
I'll try to be regular visitor here.
Sincerely Kirill Zuykov - Commander.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

30-Jan-2001 10:28 PM
 Re: Commander is back (especially for Alibek and Olesya)
Hi, Kirill,
I already got your message, thanks for the detailed info, 'coz I hadn't heard from you for so long. But anyway. don't you just hate when people surround you with all that red tape and refuse to help you??? I know, I know how you feel. I have problems with ACTR too. Not as serious as yours though. I don't live in university housing, the Alpha-Delta-Phi house is owned by the alumni of the house, and the room that I am in is much cheaper than the one Wes had assigned to me. So there's a lot of headache with the rent, I have to sent them a separate bill, and all that stuff. NO ya tebe sincerely sochuvstvuyu... It sucks, man.
I think my head is gonna explode very soon from all the knowledge in the area of "finance", I have been reading a lot lately.
But, as you said, try to be regular here. A to vidish i dogonim Drexel po chislu posted topics )
I udachi s ostolnimi problemami. I hope they will start sending you the stipend soon.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

30-Jan-2001 11:24 PM
 Re: Commander is back (especially for Alibek and Olesya)
Alibek??? Who is Alibek? I can guess that he was in Drexel. My bro's name is Alibek, and it is kinda strange to hear that name here. Where are you from, Alibek?
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

31-Jan-2001 12:46 AM
 Re: Commander is back (especially for Alibek and Olesya)
Alibek was in Delaware with us. Too bad he doesn't come here too often. Can you recruit him, Com???
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

31-Jan-2001 03:44 AM
 Re: Commander is back (especially for Alibek and Olesya)
I know Alibek. If anyone can get in touch with him, tell him that if he doesn't email me I'll kick his ass. He never replied to my emails, ittin balasy.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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