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16-Oct-2000 06:26 PM
  My Updated Photos

Hi, everyone!

updated October 15, 2000

Check out the latest pictures from our community service in the album DigiCAM - 2

They are still in the same place: Da Pix.




PS: Just don't think of my pictures what you think of Rus's. I don't want to annoy you with it. I am not obcessed with'em. Just look if you want. [ This message was edited by: Yerkin on: 10-12-2000 00:36 ]
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

28-Sep-2000 06:48 AM
 Re: My Updated Photos
Dear Yerkin!

I am impressed. Atlanta is a beautiful city, and your University is nice. I am glad to have seen at last Goziueta Business School - a memorable place thanks ot Rus' stories...
You two seem to be good friends, you have photos only with him...
Do you always walk together?

With the best wishes,
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

28-Sep-2000 08:10 PM
 Re: My Updated Photos
not always... far not always.

And that Goizueta building: didn't you notice a tiny dark spot on the wall, that's the piss ))))

[ This message was edited by: Yerkin on: 9-28-2000 08:30 ]
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

28-Sep-2000 08:57 PM
 Re: My Updated Photos
Yerik, ya smotryu ty v bol'shoy gorod popal (sudya po photkam). On deystvitel'no bol'shoy ili ya oshibayus'?
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

29-Sep-2000 10:03 PM
 Re: My Updated Photos
The first one, Roxie!
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

30-Sep-2000 05:51 PM
 Re: My Updated Photos
Yerik! Ty nepravil'no napisal nick. kotoryi ty sam pridumal! :-> Ya videla photki Atlanty (u Ruslana tozhe), tam tak klassno, ya khochu tuda!
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

01-Oct-2000 01:48 AM
 Re: My Updated Photos
You are always welcome here just as anyone else from FSA. Kazakhs are very hospitable.

PS: The only problem here is lodging: please provide it for yourself.
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

01-Oct-2000 07:07 PM
 Re: My Updated Photos
Thanks, Yerik. A Atlanta eto gde? Pokazhi na karte, t.e. napishi v kakoy chasti US nakhoditsya.
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

01-Oct-2000 09:57 PM
 Re: My Updated Photos
Sorry, Roxi, no offense, but how can you be unaware of location of such a big and important city (sporim nachnet v otvet chto-nibu'd pisat' .

Atlanta is the administrative center and the biggest city of Georgia. GA is located in the southeastern part of USA, north of Florida, south of both Carolinas, east of Alabama. Hope you'll find it. Or you just can take any map of USA, there you'll see it.

Good luck, Roxi ;o)
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

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