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01-Oct-2000 11:58 PM
 Re: My Updated Photos
Yerik, ya ne ponyala na schyot chego eto ty tam zadumal sporit'? A na schyot togo chto ty v "administrative center" s bol'shoy bukvy zhivyosh', tak i raduysya chto zhivyosh' tam i znaesh' gde eto. Esli by ya tam byla, ya by tozhe znala. Ya znala ob Atlante, ya ne znala gde on nakhoditsya. Mozhesh' sebya schitat' sil'no umnym, no u nas v shkole prosto geographii ne bylo, nu ne vo vsey shkole, a tol'ko u nas.

P.S. Zhdi v gosti, no eschyo ne skoro.
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

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