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14-Mar-2001 04:46 PM
A TY uzhe sobral chemodany?
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

14-Mar-2001 05:35 PM
 Re: Chemodanz
Sticky Fingaz
Do we have to?
I am not fucking goin' back fucking home - I am
fucking staying in da US, my kids will fucking thank
me in da fucking future.
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

14-Mar-2001 06:55 PM
 Re: Chemodanz
Finga,i pravil'no,che tebe domoi exat')Otstoi i dolzhen ostavatsia v otstoe:-))Amerika dlai tebia samoe podxodiashee mesto
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

14-Mar-2001 08:08 PM
 Re: Chemodanz
Your language is not the best, but the idea is good ;).
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

14-Mar-2001 09:08 PM
 Re: Chemodanz
komsaid! and your reply frustrated me indeed! USA is not the place to study maybe...
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

14-Mar-2001 09:27 PM
 Re: Chemodanz
I agree with tha Fingaz and Komsaid and feel
extremely reluctant to pack tha fucking bagz.
It sucks to think I'll have to fucking dig for potatoes
and beet and gather cotton in the fields of tha
'loving' motherland.

[ This message was edited by: Inspecta on: 3-14-2001 22:24 ]
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

14-Mar-2001 09:41 PM
 Re: Chemodanz
Amerika ("otstoi", as it appears accordingly to you),
spent over 20,000 DOLLARS on YOUR education.
Do you think Ukraine (or whatever country you are
from) would give you this much?
Do you think it really cares?
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

14-Mar-2001 10:07 PM
 Re: Chemodanz
Tima, I'm sorry that my answer made you frustrated, but I wonder why it would make you frustrated NOW, if I told that from the very beginning that I wanna stay here. I agree, US is not the best place to stay (khotya eto s kakoy storony posmotret'), but do you think CIS is the best place to stay???

Anyways, Tima, beleive me, although we think really differently, I respect you soooo much for what you think. YOU'RE DA MAN!!! But I also want others to respect my feelings and thoughts. And I also respect you for being able to express your thoughts and feelings, showing that you don't agree, still without trying to make someone feel bad, unlike some other people. Keep it that way!!!

[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

15-Mar-2001 07:00 AM
 Re: Chemodanz
FingaZZZ, ChemodanZZZ, niggaZZZ, mutha***erland,
Say "Hoo!!..."
Say "Whoooooooooo"
Say "Heeeeeeey!!!.."

[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

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