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11-Apr-2002 03:33 AM
  OK, I've heard some people want to stay in the US...
LOL, well well well. Look what we've got over here. Lets go:
>they select the smartest kids, right? <-TOTAL bullshit!!! They pick those people, they think would not have problems adjusting in new environment. Of course there are smart ones among them, but that definitly was not MEE LOL.

>and they don't accept anybody new, a
>stranger, with his/her beliefs, smb who is different, >you have to act, to
>be smn else

Sorry honey, but that total CRAP. Hows that much different have you been from a typical North American of approximately the same age??? Well, I know you gonna say we think older, we act more mature and shit. Yea, thats true. But what I am saying is that what caused you ACT and prevented from being YOURSELF? Who forced you to ACT? Nobody did, thats for sure. You have chosen to look different yourself my dear. Reason for that? Gmm, you should try to figure out yourself, but people usually ACT cuz either they wanna hide something, or simply start acting subconsiously, thats exactly what ACTR meant by "Cultural adjustment and perception of new values".
As for the shit that people are NOT accepting you as you are. LOL. Well, get back home ASAP and see what is NOT ACCEPTING strangers. US is probably one of those "democracies" that fucking dont care about your believes and would accept anyone WHO is not a thread to the security and who is gonna pay taxes. As for the people-to-people relations: the problem here that you are trying to idiolise people from Ukraine, cuz you are far, you miss them (mom, dad, bla bla). Therefore all the negative feature fucking DISSAPEAR. The life seems wonderful (of course, why no, tuitions is paid, 100$ pocket money no worries) AND worst of all at this age it seem its gonna be the same for ever EVEN in Ukraine! Am I not right? If yes, then i would say NOO, you are wrong. Do not make an idol from ukraine and ukrainian people!! You'll see the real truth once you step in Borispol airport and meet that "cute" asshole customs officer.

>and at home you've got friends, fiancees, parents, >teachers, and
>they really do care about u , while in here nobody >gives a damn shit.
Friends, yes, youve scored the point here. Fiancees lol, too bad for you if you have one being like what 16-17? ;) parents -no doubts! <BURSTING WITH LAUGHS> TEACHERS!!! HOLE COW!!! TEACHERS THAT CARE ABOUT YOU!!!!! No at Lviv national Ivan Franko University! THats for sure!! But I guess if you have one who really cares, then you are lucky.

I am glad your year was educational, good that you are analyzing stuff already. Way to go, A+. As for me, I would say, I have made my choice, but I dont mind visiting ukraine once in a while!
Thank you too. Enjoy your trip home.
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

11-Apr-2002 06:22 PM
 Re: OK, I've heard some people want to stay in the US...
LADY_WINTER [guest] from
Znachit tak, druzya moi....nachnem s togo molodogo cheloveka,,,kotorii poslal pervii topic...xochu skazat : vo mnogom ya soglasna,,,no Amerikanzi accept vse novoe,,,,i different,,,eto ne pravda,,chto net,,,eto vosmozhno odna iz tex nemnogix stran kotorie dayut lyudyam, osobenno talantlivim lyudyam vozmozhnost dvizheniya,,,,prosto rasvivat tvoi idei, tvoyu rabotu,,,vse chto ti imeesh i mozhesh otdat,,,NO...tolko do tex por poka ti chto-to mozhesh..potom , eto uzhe tvoi problemi, kak govoritsya, nikto ne care.
Dalshe, soglasna: druzya i lyubyashie tebya lyudi - tolko doma, nikto i ne somnevaetsya) Elsi U NEKOTORIX VSE V KANADE....prosba pomolchat...
Dalshe, TARAS, nikto tebya koneshno ne zastavlyaet act, no pochemu-to vse tak delayut i ti tak delal, I uverenna, mogu prove.
S tem chto oni ne care pro tvoi personal - vozhmoshno, no tolko otchastii,,TOLKO, i ne nado vrat.
Eto kak ras to society, kotoroe cares, xotya i xochet viglyadit pofigistskim.To chto nam life tut seems beautiful tak eto ACCELS BOLSHOE SPASIBO i pravitelstvu.
I poslednee- esli vse takie umniki ili kak ti tam sebya samokritichno nasval budut valit za kordon UKRAINE budet poor forever, a to chto vse trepatsya otsyuda umeyut - eto mi znaem, tut takix zelaya UKRAINIAN village. Izvini, no nam takix viziterov once in a while ne nado i darom, yasno? Ostavaisya tam ,esli tam takie ,kak ti sam virasilsya , ne smart nuzhni...
vse MY BEST.
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

11-Apr-2002 06:30 PM
 Re: OK, I've heard some people want to stay in the US...
LADY_WINTER [guest] from
sorry, but u forced me to write it, next time be patient and think first.
best to all
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

11-Apr-2002 07:20 PM
 Re: OK, I've heard some people want to stay in the US...
hota, net, est odin:
Ya cho razve skazal chto u mena VSO v Canade? Choto ya takogo ne pomny. U mena zdes VASHE nicho netu, no delo ne v etom.
Delo v drugom: ty zhe prekrasno ponimayesh chto kazhdyi dla seba vybirayet gde emu ludshe. Poslovica: "North or West home is best" nu uzhe nikak ne katit k Ukraine. Uprakat togo kto ostalsa tam gde emu ludshe, v toy zhe ukrainian village ili esho gdeto, NI TY nikto drugoy, v svete proishodashego bespredela v Ukraine, PROSTO NE IMEET PRAVA! Dla chego sushetvuyet derzhava kak takova? 1. Chtoby zashitit svoih grazhdan kotorye prozhyvayut na eyo teritorii ili za granicey; 2. chtoby obespechit ihnee welfare/wealth; 3. vstupat v kontakty ot imeni grazhdan i dla ihnego zhe blaga s drugimi gosudarstvami. Skazhy mne teper, MOZHET MNE ETO UKRAINA DAT???? 1. security: smeshno. Kak tolko slyshat chto ty s Ukrainy na teba smotrat kak na leshego, eto s sobstvennogo opyta iz poyezdok domoy, i tranzitom chere drugiye strany. 2. Wealth: XAXAXA, dumayu etogo komentirovat ne nuzhno. 3. Primer, nashy vybory v posolstvah zdes, Canade, ili US. Da esli derzhava ne dayot vozmozhnosti svoim grazhdanam normalno ispolnit svoy konstitucionyi dolg, tobish vybrat kogoto kudato, kogda im ham'at i matukayut v posolstvah-videl ya togda takuyu derzhavy, izveni mena, v odnom meste!!!
S drugoy storony ty sprosish: CHEM YA mogu byt polezen moyey derzhave? Ya otvechu: tak zhe kak ya etu derzhavu videl v odnom meste, tak zhe i ona mena tam videt, i budet videt' do teh por, poka vse eti burokraty-partokraty-degeneraty vo glove s glavnym kretinom ne pozdyhayut. A pozdyhayu oni ne bystro esho, a rabotat na nih, i platit nalogi, katorye v Ukriane vyshe chem v Canade (v Canade nalogi schitayutsa odnimi iz samyh vysokih v mire) i poluchat FIGU v zamen, gm, nu uzh net, ya ne sobirayusa.

I na posledok: YA NIPONAL ETO COMMENT NA SCHET TREPATSA KO MNE?? Trepatsa, naskolko ya ponimayu, oznachayet SOVETOVAT kak komu zhyt, kak te zhe v Ukrainian village, ili banaki zdes u nas, kotoryh ya vsegda proshu vezhlivo ZATKNUT EBALA! A ya cho komuto chegoto sovetoval? Ili vyskazyvat svoi mneniya tozhe schitayetsa uzhe TREPATSA?
A na schet smart/ne smart: vot eto uzhe ya nazvu trepatsa. KKD-(koeficiyent korysnoyi diyi) cheloveka otnut ne zavisit ili on smart ili net. Dazhe samyi durnoy chelovek mozhet prinesti bolshy polzy obshestvu rabotaya zdes, nu skazhem na toy zhe stroyke etc., chem umnyi s diplomom i bez raboty, kotoryi sidit na sociale i prosyrayet $$$ s nalogov togo "idiota" rabotayushego na stroyke. Hto iz nih smart, a hto iz nih polezen???? sama reshay!
Karoche, dostalo mena vso eto pisat, vso ravno potom chitat nikto ne budet.
Vso shaslivo "rozbudovyvaty nenku Ukrainu". Ya posmotru chto vy skazhete cherez neskolko mesacev po priezdu v Ukrainu. Hota mne eto ne interesno, sami zdelayete dla seba vyvody.
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

11-Apr-2002 08:57 PM
 Re: OK, I've heard some people want to stay in the US...
LADY_WINTER [guest] from
Taras, nu zachem zhe ta, chitat nikto ne budet? pochemu zhe? koneshno budut,, i mnogie , ne tolko ya - pover)
Tak , nachnem s konza,,,ne znayu , chto dlya tebya smrt - no chto bi to nibilo, iz tvoi slov poluchaetsya chto ti ne ono,,,xotya , eto ne moi vivod, tak kak ya tebya ne znayu, eto tvoi sobstvennii. dalshe, na stroike sdelaesh bolshe? da - no tolko dlya sebya,,i vse.
Potom, gde bi ya ne zhila, i ne po tomu chto mne gde-to luchshe chem v Ukraine, potomu chto ya v eto ne veryu, a potomu chto vozmozhno sudba zabrosit, ya budu vsegda schitat sebya uktainkoi, a ne kem libo eshe Amerikankoi, Kanadkoi ili Nemkoi,,,potomu , chto vo-pervix u menya na eto net prava, a vo-vtorix ya feel like ukrainian only.
Potom eshe, znaesh kak Kennedy skazal, ne sprashivai chto tebe dast strana, a podumai chto ti mozhesh dat? Rasve tebe kto-to chto-to obyazan? net,,,,vot i trudis na slavu rodini,,,vse na vsex kivayut,,,tut uzhe poshli personal private interests, right? <Menya mol nichego ne kolishit...da , tak delayut mnogie, i nikto ne mozhet upreknut, tolko nas eto ne dolzhno kasatsya, potomu chto na samom dele mi eshe nichego ne dali Ukraine, chtoby ot nee chto-libo trebovat.
Da, pro banyakov - vse kotorix ya tut videla - normalnie lyudi, a novoispechenie stradayut ,,toest kak bi imeyut nekotorie mental problems,,,i eshe ambizii ochen mnogo, which are based on nothing, znaesh, est takaya bolesn: maniya velichiya, ya ot syuda sdelayu bolshe, otkuda is BURGER KING ili McDonald's?
Zhal mne tebya, ti tak nichego i ne ponyal, prosti, no mne kazhetsya u tebay ne sovsem poluchilsya cultural experience according to the program.
I am sorry.
as for me, nado bilo ne prosto stat drugom ameriki i amerikanzev, chto mnogie is nas sdelali, no i eshe realize chto ti est, tak kak sebya mozhno posnat tolko so storoni.
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

11-Apr-2002 09:12 PM
 Re: OK, I've heard some people want to stay in the US...
You know what? You were right,I am sorry I made a mistake in one issue - they dont select the smartest- coz they selected YOU!!!
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

11-Apr-2002 10:38 PM
 Re: OK, I've heard some people want to stay in the US...
Bla, kak govoritsa, "KAROCHE SHKLEFASOVSKIY!" Etot razgovor ni k chemu ne privedot kak vsegda, kak govoritsa, "MOYO TVOYO NE PONIMA". Ya tebe odno govoru, a ty sovsem drugoye.
Znayesh, ludshe polaz po forumu, pochitay posty godichnoy davnosti, i vso takoye, potom pochitay posty ludey pro reakciyu po priezdu domoy. Bolshe nichego ne skazhu.
A vot pro moi vyvody posle exchange ty ne prava, eto uzh tochno. Karoche, ya umolkayu, eta discussiya perelivaniye s pustogo v porozhne, da i na rabotu pora, NA RABOTU GDE PLATAT REGULARNO i ne nuzhno income na "levo" zapisyvat.
Have a good life.
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

16-Apr-2002 04:54 PM
 Re: OK, I've heard some people want to stay in the US...
ha! this is very smart of ya , man, But u know what, u should probably take some ukrainian language courses since you are so fucking REGULARLY PAID without any undertable money, ok? I love you though Ivanna
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

18-Apr-2002 04:15 PM
 Re: OK, I've heard some people want to stay in the US...
Timur [guest] from
Chicks and dudes! Drop dead!
Guys, 'nuff of stupid and redundant rows! Everyone's got his own life, though your topic is quite interesting. See, I understand both you and Taras (hey, buddy, how come you're THERE again???)
Ladies, you've got a month to go...Then it'll be over for you. A whole new life will start, and you'll know what it is...Holy Molly, it'll be hard to REcover from Mr. Culture Shock. I still haven't.
In two words - what it is:
You feel you're a sucker, looser cuz things r goin' sooo wrong...Theseretarded who never spoke English right and been outside their town will try to goof and screw you up. People will be just so sloooowwwww. You'll be famous for a while but then the fame will succumb to desperation: why is everything wrong? Why are people pessimists? Why is everybody lying and cheating and stealing? You'd come up with bright ideas, but these envious folks will do their best to blunder all your initiatives. All in all, name is MUD!
So I understand Taras - although just a year ago I was like you - a young passionate patriot of Russia. But the hard lowdown is that you'll have to work your butt off to make sure you succeed. I still can't work in this country, whereas in the States I was almost a workaholic.
The worst of all - because of your strange energy you become an odd ball - beloy voronoi!
So I see both points of view. You know what, guys? Try to make as many connections as you can - this will be useful for sure! But come back home, sweet home! To learn the sad truth about it.
Lady winter, say hello to NPU guys! I'm sorry you don't wanna send me your pics.

C ya!

[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

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