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18-Apr-2002 07:46 PM
 Re: OK, I've heard some people want to stay in the US...
Hi TImur!
I am sorry, no ya ne pomnyu, gde3 u menya tvoi email, vot vecherom u Sashi sproshu.. A moze segodnya popozze naidu.
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

18-Apr-2002 10:02 PM
 Re: OK, I've heard some people want to stay in the US...
Zdorov chelovek prozhyvayushiy kogdato v Windy city
Kak ono?
Nichego ne hochu govorit. Tolko chto peresmotrel fotki v albomah zdes ne forume. Mda, shit, stolko memmories, stolko novogo excitementa bylo, kotorogo uzhe unfortunately nikogda ne vernyt. Mne so vseh Shtatov bolshe vsego zapomnilis pervye dni v Phille, Drexel, i poslednii, pered otlotom!!! KAK YA HOTEL BY SNOVA ETO VSO PROYTI ZANOVO!!! Eh, this happens indeed once a lifetime!
Vso, derzhys, ne veshay nos.
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

21-Apr-2002 09:46 PM
 Re: OK, I've heard some people want to stay in the US...
LADY_WINTER [guest] from
Timur, did you ask me to send my pics to you?
I am not Sasha, I am Lena)
my best
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

23-Apr-2002 05:48 PM
 Re: OK, I've heard some people want to stay in the US...
Guest [guest] from
Taras, ti vse tak pravil'no podmetil, osobenno pro tamojenikov v Borispole. Y menya pryamo myrashki po koje pobejali kogda chitala tvoy reply. Ya tebya pomnyu iz Drexela, i esche, mu s toboy vmeste na odnom samolete leteli v Ukraine. Ya eto obnaryjila kogda tvoi fotki iz DC i samoleta smotrela. Y menya po voprosy "US-Ukraine" buli protivorechivue chyvstva daje v etom gody, kogda ya v US vtoroy raz priehala. No summer cultural shock, Ukrainian mass media i rasskazu teh, kto care about me in Ukraine pomogli mne sdelat' moy vubor.
Good luck to you.
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

24-Apr-2002 01:31 AM
 Re: OK, I've heard some people want to stay in the US...
Ya rad chto hot ktoto razdelayet moyu tochku zreniya. Nadeyus chto Alumni etogo toga po priezdu domoy, gde by ih dom ne byl, v nom ne razacharovalis' tak zhe kak ya. A vrema vso postavit na svoi mesta.
Slushay, a ya teba znayu? Skazhy ty kto, i gde? Ya tak ponal chto ty vozvratilas v US. Napishy na ili skazhy zdes, kak tebe udobney.
Vsem privet,
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

24-Apr-2002 04:39 AM
 Re: OK, I've heard some people want to stay in the US...
LADY_WINTER [guest] from
Taras, esli ti o mnogix iz nas dumaesh kak o polnix idiotax ,ktorie ne v sostoyanii ozenit realnuyu situaziyu,,i chto nas ozhidaet, to ti ochen oshibaeshsya. Ya vopros podnimala iz-za tvoego myagko govorya grubogo otnosheniya k nashei strane...da vse bi naverno sdelali kak ti....tolko zachem togda nam UKR? Ya ochen udivlena chto ti s Zapadnoi Ukraini, to chto ti tam - delo tvoe, no to chto ti gonish na Ukrainu, na korotuyu izvini menya vsyu ee istoriyu suzhestvovaniya kakogo "xrena" ti tam voobshe rodilsya?
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

24-Apr-2002 07:03 AM
 Re: OK, I've heard some people want to stay in the US...
hello, people

have been tracing your topics and found that most of you are real partiots of UA. interesting. i always wonder why some people DO and some DO NOT care about UA.

i do not want to take anybody's side; i just wonna tell you what i have dealt with during the last year upon my coming back to kiev (please, note here that kiev is known the most modern city in UA; no offences by representetives of other towns - i love them too, especially khelnitskyy and Ternopil).
taras right in one way - UA does not give a shit about its people. i worked in the usa, and got paid more for even unskilled job. how i work full-time, devote all my time to the work, and what i get - nothing, just some bucks to maintain "myself in a working condition."

one more thing: innovations are never welcome here. i had had so many ideas, and i am sure their implementation would have resulted in big $$$ for the company i work with. BUT! people are envious, and all my beginnings cruched into a wall of those people's stupidness. now i do know what you MUST do in order to survive.

as for friends - some of them just turn away from you once you are back from the states. some remain, but they are not those guys and girls you have been in touch with. not because they changed, but because you changed.

i wish you the least possible cultural shock upon coming back.

[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

25-Apr-2002 06:30 PM
 Re: OK, I've heard some people want to stay in the US...
Tami [guest] from
interesting topic you guys picked. i have a couple more months to go here, but an idea of going home scares me shitless already... no seriously, it FREAKS ME OUT!!! i know exactly what things are like back home. maybe they are not as bad as in other places - i live in the 2nd biggest city in russia, but still... what is life going to be like for me back home? two of my best friends moved to the us during this year and i have no idea when i see them again... my group at the university is gone - i took a year off and i won't study with them anymore. my boyfriend is a loser and i broke up with him long time ago...
on the other hand, i don't completely belong here either - us is full of shit as any other country in the world, they just know how to hide it... and i definitely would not want my kids to grow up here. don't ask me why...
i feel like my world is just falling apart. but you know what? i've been through so much during this year - as anybody else of you guys out there, and i know that i'm strong and smart. i can make it. i will go home and start my life all over again. i believe in my fate. if i was meant to live here - i will come back. if not - oh well. but for now - i will take one step at a time. life is all in front of you - and it's your choice and responsibility what you make out of it.
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

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