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07-Feb-2001 06:39 PM
  Surprise(for Alincho)
how're u doing there?
As to me,I'm fine.We're having a lot of fun especialy on ween-ends.But usually i't's sucks.So much to do...
Karen called me the day before.I think he was to call you as well.Let's hang out togather on spring-break,guys.I'll probably go to Mexico,to visit my boy-friend.You're wellcome to join me.If i don't go there,we can travel around.
Well.Talk to you later.Just leave your phone # in case if I call you.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

07-Feb-2001 08:14 PM
 Re: Surprise(for Alincho)
Hi Angela? Are you the Angela from Drexel? Hey I lost contact with you sooooooo long ago... How are you doing? You are in Texas now right? Glad I found you and hope to see you here again, see DE is doing good, becoming a little more active every day)
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

07-Feb-2001 09:22 PM
 Re: Surprise(for Alincho)
Privet Angela jannnnnnnnnn!!!
See how cool our portal has become????
Listen, I'm glad you are doing ok. Sorry can't go to Mexico, my visa is single entry, I know there are ways around it, but also my cousin invited me over to LA.
Look what my plans are.. If we can arrange to meet, that'll be wonderful. March 8th I'm going to Chicago, will spend 4 days there and leave on Monday, March 11th. Then I"m flying to LA. The 24th I'm coming back to Chicago (because a round trip from Hartford to Chicago and a round trip from Chicago to LA together cost less than a one way Hartford-Chi, Chi-LA, LA-Hartford). BUT if you can meet me in Chicago and if you are 21 can rent a car (I have an international license and can drive) we can drive to LA and have a bunch of fun. Du you have anybody there?
But I'll need to know soon.
And this offer is not only to Angela. Anybody guys!!!!
Armenians, non armenians, doesn't matter we're all friends aren't we????
So, let me know!!!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

07-Feb-2001 10:51 PM
 Re: Surprise(for Alincho)
Mena berete? Ya tozhe tipa umeyu na mashyne yezdit, pravda ticketov mnoho za speeding budet ;-)
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

08-Feb-2001 01:27 AM
 Re: Surprise(for Alincho)
Hi guys!!

I'm so happy that we now keep in touch with each other.As for Gayane, I think I now remember you thanks to Alina's photo album.
We are having so much fun these days,but the weather sucks (we are having freezing showeres, that's aweful, I didn't think that such wetather conditions exist before coming to Iowa.).Anyway, tonigh we are having international student's party at Tony's ( that's the only relatively goog night club near our campus). We will play music from our countries.
I'm also going to L.A. for the spring break. I'll leave Iowa on March 9 and will travel throgh Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Nevada to CA, so I thnik I'll get there by March 13 and then I'll spent couple of days in L.A. and San Francisco and then be back by March 21. Hope to see at least one of you.My email address is if html is not correct,I already forgot it).

P.S.(for Alina) I looked at your photo album and saw that you have a friend from Pakistan whose name is VEER. Do you know what does it mean? My friend from Pakistan told me that it's a very nice word and means like specially good brother (baits aveli shat siralir dimeladzev a).
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

08-Feb-2001 01:50 AM
 Re: Surprise(for Alincho)
Hey Kar jan
Hey tell me how you're gonna go. And I can reschedule my trip so that I stay in Chicago at the end of the break not in the beginning.
TARASSSSSSSS, konechno radi budem tebya brat', tol'ko kogda u tebya spring break???
Ya shyas idu domoy, toroplyus, u mneya house meeting.
Vernus' nochyu!!!
I love all of you!!!!!!!!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

08-Feb-2001 06:14 AM
 Re: Surprise(for Alincho)
Hi Alin jan,

If you are flying out of Chicago on March 11th, that's O.K. I don't think I'll be able to get to L.A. earlier.I'm quite flexible,because we are going by car. So we can go straight to L.A. and stay in other states on the way back. It was so pitty that I couldn't meet you in Chicago, this time I don't want to miss you. In L.A. I'll be in Hollywood.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

08-Feb-2001 02:10 PM
 Re: Surprise(for Alincho)
Ya vashe bez ponatiya kohda u mena spring break! znayu sho pervuyu polovinu breaka ya budu vo Floride, a vot sho so svotoy delat budu-NE ZNAYU! Mozhna bylo by i v CA shonat! A to tak i ne uvizhu san-franciska ;-)
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

08-Feb-2001 05:20 PM
 Re: Surprise(for Alincho)
Hi guys!!! My spring break is march 19-25, sounds too short( I have no idea what I am gonna do, But I know for sure that I'd love to join you. Alincho, is there any chance you could be in chicago at this time, or any of you guys ?
Have fun whatever you do)) MISS ya all...
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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