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09-Feb-2001 01:16 AM
 Re: Surprise(for Alincho)
Alincho and CO! Vy na chem sobirayetes v CA yehat? Na mashyne? v Chicago? i ne strashno? a ty znayesh skoko budet rent stoit na mashynu??
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

09-Feb-2001 02:34 AM
 Re: Surprise(for Alincho)
horoshaya vesch mashina, osobenno kogda ona est'... *sigh*
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

09-Feb-2001 01:24 PM
 Re: Surprise(for Alincho)
Tak, moy break nachinayetsa 9 MArch. 9 Vecherom ya yedu v Missisipi, na 2 dna, potom v New Orleans na 1, Luisiana, Talahasseee FL. 14 nazad v Indianu po tomu zhe marshrutu. mozhna bylo by hdedo tam vstretitsa in the middle, i pochuvat vo Californiya, i voplotit mechty o Californication!!!! ;-)Tak she davayte, skidyvayte propozicii, mozhet v nature kak to kuchkanemsa, rentan'om mator, i poyedem v Tihoh okeane pokupayemsa ;-)
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

09-Feb-2001 01:26 PM
 Re: Surprise(for Alincho)
tuta est predstaviteli armanskoy nacii s Drexela?? ;-)
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

09-Feb-2001 06:24 PM
 Re: Surprise(for Alincho)
Thank you guys for replying...
I'm very glad we're in touch again.
My visa is also single entry.I'll try to do smth.If not-I'm coming with you.
Karen,are you gonna visit Texas on your way to CA?
Keep in touch,tseluyu.
P.S.Alin,I could'n enter your on-line album.I'll keep on trying.
You can view mine at
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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