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05-Feb-2001 01:49 PM
  nu ladno, tak i but(for Yerkin)
Hi Yerkin!!!
your message about spotting your own mistakes made the former English language major arise in me) Here you are(MIND that it was YOU who wanted the mistakes to be noticed, Personally, I don't like picking on other people's mistakes)), " Sound wierd to me" should be "sounds wierd to me", "it also sucks" should be "it sucks, too" ("also" in this case would indicate that in addition to sucking it is e.g. dangerous, or boring etc, while "too" indicates that it sucks the same or almost the same way as mine does)
hope you are satisfied)
As to my name everybody calls me Gayoosh or Gayooshka, except that Americans call me everything except the right thing) vobshem izvrashayutsya nad moim bednim imenem kak mogut)
Thank you for wishing me good luck, I started having fun with my training, so see you later, a whole pile of New York Times articles is waiting for me...
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

05-Feb-2001 05:16 PM
 Re: nu ladno, tak i but(for Yerkin)
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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