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08-Oct-2000 05:07 AM
I think it`s a great idea to tell everyone about our Alma Maters. So here I am with my few words about the University of Oregon.
Most of all I like our campus. It is just great! It reminds me of ones I saw in the pictures of Oxford and Cambridge universities. The same old and nice buildings, the same green grassy lawns with student sitting or lieing on it, huge amount of bikes, no cars, and thousands of students of all ages and nations wandering everywhere. It`s a real campus and it`s pretty large. I think you can call Eugene a university town, where all the evens (sports, cultural or whatever)are more or less connected with the unversity. Eugene is rather small, just 130000, 17000 of which are the students of UO. And as all small towns here it has a very well dveloped community spirit. Don`t ask me what`s this, I won`t be able to tell you. May be it`s the same as in our villages, when everybody cares about each other`s bussiness, I don`t know. But definitely there was no such thing in Mobile, that`s for sure.
I can`t say that there is a lot of fun stuff to do here, unless your consider sightseeing to be a fun stuff. Because nature on Oregon is really magnificent. They have everything here: Pacific ocean (just an hour drive), mountains, waterfalls, vulcanos, sand dunes, even a lava field. Thus, you can find a new place to go for every weekend. And here we can feel the advantage of this "community spirit", `cause there are so many people who are ready to take you there, and almost for free! That`s amazing! Absolutely strange people care about students, and especially international students, and spare their time and money on us just because for this very moment we are a part of their community! I like this!
And besides, the university is pretty good also.
That`s all I wanted to say for now. Hope my message was not very boring( I know that it was, but never mind).
Have a nice time in your universities and I am looking forward to hear your stories.
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

08-Oct-2000 07:50 AM
 Re: Oregon
Nice story, Nadia! (you're from Belorus, if I'm not mistaken?)

Glad to see our neighbors have their chat expanding, not in size, but in quality. I hope more Alabamans will follow your path.

Your story now greatly resembles those american rethorical style essays we were taught about on our orientation (idonno was it in your case). Very interesting story, very descriptive, not a single boring word (even misspelled ones . I think I already want to go there (man, I wanna go everywhere!), it's just your story that depicts eveything so remarkably: those mountains, waterfalls, ocean, sand dunes, and even volcanoes - jeez, that sounds sooooo attractive. You have a whole recreational park there.

I am glad that you're having great time there exploring your neighborhood. Have a nice time there and keep in touch with your Alabaman friends and maybe even with us.

Yerkin (UPenn2)
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

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