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23-Jan-2001 07:56 PM
  Ice skating
Oh my God! I took this class just because I wanted to have some fun - I wanted to rest from my classes and have fun, yet getting a credit for it, and I was quite sure that that is what it's gonna be... But no... It's a tough thing to do and it's hard work too. I thought that all that is required for Ise skating is coming to class, skate for an hour and go home (Well, I knew there would be some particular exercises to do, I didn't know we'd begin doing them that soon), but that's not it - We starting doing jumps on the very first class, we need to do written asignments for that class, and we need to have practice, which I never ever in my life had had. And now imagine me, on the Ice, with a whole bunch of people who have years of expirience in it, and doing jumping! Holly ***!
It's now fun any more, now it's just a class.

Have fun guys, but make sure it remains fun to the end.

[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

23-Jan-2001 08:09 PM
 Re: Ice skating
my roommate took iceskating this semeter(xi-xi-xi...), so I'm going to have a nice time laughing at her if they have the same stuff there.
Actually, I tried ice skating once in my life, this winter. the funniest thing was that it happened in Florida. I needed to go to sunny Florida from snowy New Hampshire to learn how to ice skate. me, who never even tried to rollerskate or whatever )) it was fun when I was standing and not sweeping the ice with my butt, anyway, i stopped falling down in about 45 minutes and enjoyed it.
Don't give up, Roxy, you just try to get some fun out of it. Good luck!!!
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

23-Jan-2001 10:44 PM
 Re: Ice skating
Masha, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I did too, before we started jumping in different ways and skiing on skates. Well, I'm pretty sure I will enjoy it when I learn how to do that, but right now my jumpings result in falling, not really enjoyable... "But the time will come!!!" said the conqueror of the new world with pride in his voice that everyone could hear, but no one heard what he thought. And he thought "Will it ever really come?", and there was echo of doubt in his thoughts.
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

25-Jan-2001 12:58 AM
 Re: Ice skating
Snachala ya podumal, chto eto pro to kak Ice kataetsya na kon'kah, okazalos' - net.

A textbooks vam ne nado pokupat'? Eto horosho, a vot u nas textbook za $122 + Study Guide za $68 + Course Pack za $350 i eto tolko po odnomu predmetu. A ih u menya 5. Luchshe by ya vzyal Kayaking 101 ))))))))))))

Kstati "Holy", a ne "Holly". Potomu chto:
hol·ly [hóllee ] (plural hol·lies) noun

1. evergreen shrub with red berries:
an evergreen tree or shrub with
glossy, prickly leaves and bright
red berries. Genus Ilex
2. decorative foliage: the leaves
and berries of holly used
especially as a Christmas


ho·ly [hlee ] adjective
(comparative ho·li·er, superlative

1. sacred: relating to, belonging
to, or coming from a divine being
or power holy relics
2. saintly: devoted to the service
of God, a god, or a goddess
3. pure: morally and spiritually
perfect and of a devoutly religious character
a holy man
4. consecrated: dedicated or set
apart for religious purposes holy water Native
American holy ground
5. awe-inspiring: of a unique
character, evoking reverence
Gettysburg is a holy place for many
people of the United States.
noun (plural ho·lies)

1. holy thing: something
sanctified or venerated
2. holy person: a devoutly
religious, saintly person

used in expressions of surprise:
used in various expressions to
show surprise (informal) Holy
cow! Holy smoke!

Vot tak! Ya byl by ne ya, esli ne zametil by. Eto vsego lish odna iz neskolkih tvoih oshibok, ostalnye prosto neohoto ispravlyat'.

[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

25-Jan-2001 04:20 AM
 Re: Ice skating
A krome Holy cow i Holy smokes (kstati, i nepodumay ispravit' holy smokes), est' eschyo i Holy sh***!
Holly is really a typo, no matter if you believe or not. May be if I reread my posted messages, I would find some mistakes, too, because I was too tired and frustrated to write correctly. But I am not saying that I never make mistakes, there might be real mistakes, too. There isn't a single person who makes no mistakes.
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

25-Jan-2001 05:09 PM
 Re: Ice skating
vot eto da!! vypusti cheloveka v atlantu na 5 mesyacev, a on uje pritvoryaetsa budto angl yaz znayet lutche vsex, nu da ladno, ty sam to svoi community service report perechitai, vse ponyatno? mne v nekotoryx mestax ili shibko umno ili nado shtoto reshat' )))
babe, a voobsche ty molodets, ya by daje en obratila vnimaniya, a tem bolee ne polezla by smotret' v slovar' i perepechatyvat' ili whatever tem bolee. gorjus' tvoim trudolyubiem!!
s uv. masha
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

25-Jan-2001 09:14 PM
 Re: Ice skating
Masha prava. On vsega vsex popravlyayet. ne to shto zametit', potom v slovar' polezt', proverit' i yeshchyo copy/paste delat', ya daje svoyi messages ne proveryayu.
Yerkin, nadeyus' ti ne soberayeshcya uchitelem stat', bednim uchenikam ni za chto ne sliznut' s oshibkami...
Net, seryozno, molodets, ochen' vnimatelniy.
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

25-Jan-2001 10:16 PM
 Re: Ice skating
Da Alincho, ty prava, uchenikam, ili studentam, ne sliznut' s oshibkami... No oni priviknut k tomu chto on vechno vsekh popravlyaet (kak, naprimer, ya), a mozhet eto i k luchshemu - gramotnee ucheniki budut (eto nam niche za eto ne budet, a im "5" v zhizni ne vidat' esli ne ispravyatsya).
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

26-Jan-2001 05:38 AM
 Re: Ice skating
Hotya nekotorym zanudy nravyatsya pochemu-to...
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

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