Brat-3: ACTR Students Community
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    AbroadPlanet Forums -> Brat-3: ACTR Students Community Post new topic
29-Jan-2001 04:37 PM
 Re: Ice skating
...eto komu j eto?? takim je zanudam? )
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

29-Jan-2001 05:29 PM
 Re: Ice skating
A my tebya peredelaem, vot tak vot!
(my tozhe ne podarok ))

[ This message was edited by: komsaid1 on: 1-29-2001 18:28 ]
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

29-Jan-2001 09:50 PM
 Re: Ice skating
) ty j podumai, on je vse tvoi popytki ego peredelat' budet poddavat' somneniyu i postoyannym proverkam po slovaryu, zamuchaeshsya...
mne i tak neploxo..
yerkin, ostavaisya "zanudoi" esli xochesh , swing-babe )
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

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