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09-Sep-2000 07:58 PM
  Gaumarjos Kartvelebs !!!!!!! Da mat megobrebs!!!
Hiaaa Everybody!!!

Serjio shen pasuxi ukve ki mogcere magra mainc chemi ak shemosvla rom avnghnishno vipikre rames davtoveb tko. xoda itogshi exla ramdenime rchevas mogcemt: mixedet tkven tavs, aravin a dagchagrot. gaertet magram ra tkma unda scavlasac mixedet rom GPA 3.25-ze dabla ar chamovides. iyavit dakavebulebi, vgulisxmob rom rame aketet (an vinme ha ha), xoda itogshi vatrakeb da kai dros tarebas gisurvebt ra!!!!!
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

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