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23-Jan-2001 08:26 PM
Yes, you say that DE is silent. I agree, but a couple of us who come here once in a while should do smth. Alina, even you post your topics in other university's rooms. I do not blame anybody, but...
Btw, Alincho, I was waiting for descriptions of your vacations here, but "vidno ne sydba") You do not even want to answer me now. That's OK...I'll overcome that.
Take care!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

24-Jan-2001 01:40 AM
 Re: :((
Dear Olesya,
pleas don't be angry with me, I just didn't have much time to write a long message, and all the fun that I had just won't fit into a short message, so please accept my sincerest apologies and here's my break.
The damn snow was chasing me! I left Wesleyan University on Dec 20, when it snowed in CT for the first time, rigth after my International finance exam, which I thought I had blown and was very upset about (later I found out I have a B+, so I'm ok now. I got stuck in the airport for 9 hours, and when I finally got to Chicago, I missed the very last bus to the southwest suburbs by three minutes, and had to take a limo to get there. But the limo driver misheard my address and took me to Palatine (northern suburb) instead of Palos Heights. Dorogaya ti uzhe navernoe predstavlyayesh kak ya sebya chuvstvovala. Hadn't slept the night before becaus had to study AND pack. sat in the airport for 9 hours and now had to spend 3 hours in the car instead of 30 minutes, and it was very cold and snowstorming and stuff.
But once I got there it was wonderful. Did a lot of fun stuff, watched a lot of NBA, NFL college football bowl games, went to the simphony concert, opera (Atilla) Shakespeare's theathre, spent 3 days in Hastings, MI, skiing and playing with the grandchildren of my host family. Oh, girl, I never thought I like children THAT much.
Now, hear the story of my coming back. The morning of Jan 21st, my friend calls me from Florida, advising me to call the airline and find out if the flight is cancelled, because the East Cost is have a terrible weather and there are rumors that Bradley airport is shut in Hartford (that's where I was going).
But this time Thank God, the weather cleared out before my flight so I got home on time, which is late at night on Sunday. My room was drowning in dust....
But I am happy to be back and my classes are starting tomorrow. And I just came back from Hartford where I went again this afternoon and got my belly-button pierced. It looks so cute now!!!! I am so over-excited, my adrenaline is like sky-high now...
Oleska, ti menya prostila?? I want you to know, Ya doroju tvoyey drujboy, i voobshe drujboy vsex rebyat kto syuda xodit i ne zabivayet pro nashi xoroshiye vremena v Newark, DE.
I have a house meeting tonight, so I gotta go now, Oles jan and everyone else who will be reading this most detailed story of my winter vacations and love confession
Love ya guys, I will be in chat later at night.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

25-Jan-2001 12:43 AM
 Re: :((
Still can't get rid of that Queen's English that we learned (or learnt) in high-school plus a typo:

THEATHRE ==[typo]==> THEATRE ==[queens]==> THEATER [correct]

Never mind, I'm just being nosy.And, btw, your piercing must be really sexy ;)

[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

25-Jan-2001 04:07 AM
 Re: :((
You are very observant, and I commend you for that. I would like, however, to curteously point out to you that occasional typos and the usage of certain dialects cannot be judged as reliable evidence as to my language skills.
Holla, holla, holla..... I'm just being silly and trying to make out a British style. But no, I'm a simple person, an' I like to just chill around and be just who I can be and not who I have to be right????
So, are my typo and the Queen's English forgiven?

Alincho (looks like I gotta watch my talk... er, I meant my writing
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

25-Jan-2001 04:49 AM
 Re: :((
YErkin, actually, yeah, the piercing came out real nice and/or sexy. I can't wait to show it off on our hip-hop/raggae party on Saturday (the party-animal in me is awake again!!!!!!!!!!!)
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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