Brat-3: ACTR Students Community
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    AbroadPlanet Forums -> Brat-3: ACTR Students Community Post new topic
31-Aug-2000 10:41 PM
  Why don't speak Russian?(Aserbyzhan, Georgian...)
Maxiboxus [guest] from
Rebyata - mozhet byt' vy menya ne poymyote ,NO VSYOZHE
ya skazhu chto ochen' priyatno inogda vyrazit'sya po nashinski - edak s shutkoy pribautkoy , s matom nakonec. Ya voobsche ne protiv English - no po moyamu on escho uspeyet nam nadoyest'. Eto delo vkusa ya ponimayu. No moy vkus takov.
A voobsche - vsyo fignya. veselites' i ne dumayte ni ochom. I esli budet chto nibud' chem zahochetsya podelit'sya obyazatel'noi prihodite syuda.
Ottel'noye spasibo avtoram.
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

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