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22-Feb-2003 07:41 AM
 confused don't know how to start Post Reply
Community member
Location: Nepal
Home Coutry:
I want to come to US but i don't find any ways. I did my A'levels but didn't passed. Do i have any other ways to goto US. PLs help me out

27-Mar-2003 03:07 PM
 Re: confused don't know how to start Post Reply
Community member
Location: United Kingdom
Home Coutry:
hey totally on the same boat as u! What do i do?? im havent done my gcse's yet though cause im only 16. Know where i could start looking for info?

18-Jul-2003 07:15 AM
 How can i start the first step? Post Reply
Community member
Location: Brunei
Home Coutry:
How can i start the steps????

30-Jul-2003 09:12 AM
 Re: confused don't know how to start Post Reply
Community member
Location: United States
Home Coutry:
Hey Guys...

No need to stress if you didn't pass your A'Levels, there is still a possibility of getting accepted to schools here. You can take one of either two choices... you can do one of the US based standardised tests such as SAT or ACT... or you can enroll into a community college, and then transfer to a four year school to complete your degree, might I add that this route is also cheaper.

Info on the SAT exams can be found at

Hope this info was useful. Best wishes!

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