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17-May-2005 03:11 PM
 i want to go to america in 2007... Post Reply
Community member
Location: Germany
Home Coutry:

my fiancée wil go to L.A this summer, but i go to school and finish this in 2007, then i will come to america and we will marry! I'm a little bit scared, becaue i don't know what I can do there or better I say, i don't know how I should do it.. I want to go to a community college, but how does it work?!
I need your help..

Thanks a lot, sarahle

21-Jun-2005 01:19 PM
 Re: i want to go to america in 2007... Post Reply
Community member
Location: United States
Home Coutry:

I'm from Germany as well and I have been in the states for four years now - three of them I studied at a community college.
The first think you have to do is to fing a college in the area where you plan on living then you get the application form of this school fill it out, send it back to the school (of course with all the required papers, like translated high school diploma etc. Once they accept you, which is not very hard by the way is just a lot of paper work, they'll send you the papers back with which you have to make an appointment at the american embassy in germany. There you have to go for an interview and then it depends on all themm . . .if they say yes you are in if not try again!
I wish you good luck!!

09-Jul-2005 01:39 PM
 Re: i want to go to america in 2007... Post Reply
Country editor
Location: Germany
Home Coutry:
hey guys, i want to go to the USA right now, any ideas?

11-Jul-2005 03:32 AM
 Re: i want to go to america in 2007... Post Reply
Community member
Location: India
Home Coutry:

go to the following website to apply for universities and go to US at the earliest

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