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27-Feb-2005 04:29 AM
 need your advice Post Reply
Community member
Location: United Kingdom
Home Coutry:
Hi everybody,

I wanna do my master in economics in US. As far as I know there are one-year master programs in US. I've got about $16000-$20000. Will it be enough? If yes, which universities would you recommend? Thanx guys.

28-Feb-2005 03:58 AM
 Re: need your advice Post Reply
Country editor
Location: Germany
Home Coutry:
londoner: think the funding you got is quite enough for one-year study in USA. & with it you have freedom to choose a uni & a prog that best fits your needs. just do some search online.
good luck!

28-Feb-2005 11:15 AM
 Re: need your advice Post Reply
Community member
Location: United Kingdom
Home Coutry:
Thanx Lilka. It's greatly appreciated.

11-Jul-2005 07:58 AM
 Re: need your advice Post Reply
Community member
Location: India
Home Coutry:

Hope the funding you got is quite enough for further one year study in USA any how check this website

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