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27-Oct-2003 09:28 AM
 structure of grad study Post Reply
Community member
Location: United States
Home Coutry:
i am aspiring for a gradute degree in u.s. i would appreciate a 2 year degree for M.S. but it seems know whatthat columbia univ. offers only 1 yr! on the other hand, prospectus from the USEFI specifically states 2 yrs! i really wanna whether it is 2 yrs for m.s or not

27-Oct-2003 10:07 PM
 Re: structure of grad study Post Reply
Community member
Location: Vietnam
Home Coutry:
I'm a student in viet nam.I 'm finding the scholarship.
I want to study in USA very much.
Please help me if you can

12-Jul-2005 03:09 AM
 Re: structure of grad study Post Reply
Community member
Location: India
Home Coutry:

Please check this website it will be helpful for you

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