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07-Feb-2003 02:45 AM
 unusual problem! BAD credit Post Reply
Community member
Location: United States
Home Coutry:
Hi, I'm from Poland. I got here half a year ago and i got a phone line hooked up from pacific bell. They wanted my SSN at first, but I didn't have one so they asked me to fax them my passport for verification. After a month I got a huge bill- my modem was dialing up to the inet long distance. Anyway i got a bill 560$ to pay.

They put a debt collector on me. I have 3 more days to pay if I don't want to pay late charcges- 18%.

Now- Do I even have a credit history at all? Is it possible without SSN. By the way- they mispelled my last name on all the bills and letters, etc.

I'm applying for a SSN this month. Do I get a new credit history, not associated with my old one (if it exists at all)?

PLEASE, help, whoever knows anything!

19-Feb-2003 04:19 PM
 oooh Post Reply
Community member
Location: United States
Home Coutry:
oh come on people, somebody's gotta know SOMETHING?

i wanna share a few useful experiences with u:
- I applied for ssn, and this time they accepted me. What you gotta have is: birth certificate, passport, i-20, letter from school- it HAS to state that you applied for a job, the place for you is ready, but you only need a SSN to start working.
-I opened an account in bank without ssn. It's Western Union. They need your passport, and some form of id, i used my polish driving licence.
- Bank of america, or US Bank (I forgot which one) accept international students too.
-If you'r ehere by yourself (not by exchange program) you can't get deported for being busted drinking, little crimes etc. You will go to court/ pay fine etc. For smoking weed they can deport you.
-if you wanna graduate faster (and save money for living), overload your class schedule. They will tell you it's very hard, but for european students like me, it's not a problem to take 18, 21 units per semester.

20-Feb-2003 01:27 PM
 Re: unusual problem! BAD credit Post Reply
Community member
Location: Egypt
Home Coutry:
What's up man!

So, you are from Poland Heh I was there last summer
Anyway, did you solve you credit problem?

If I were you I would not pay them. They use SSN to track it, but since you didn't have one they can't make any records. Another good thing is that they misspeled your name

Anyway... let us know how it goes...

Just aquick advice.... now, when you have your SSN try to pay your bills))

Keep up!

21-Feb-2003 11:45 AM
 Re: unusual problem! BAD credit Post Reply
Community member
Location: Canada
Home Coutry:
Hey there,
Did you say you've faxed them a copy of your passport??? If yes, that kinda sux. The misspelled name on the bills means practically nothing. You still can be screwed up pretty badly.
I assume that when youve applied for SSN you have provided them with the copy of you passport as well, and the same residential address that you used for the phone bills. Credit history is not entirely based on the SSN, they also trackpeople down by the addresses. Here is canada, the SSN is not even required for the credit card application, only your residential address. So, I believe the system is the same in US. And besides they have the copy of your passport, they know more about you know than you think. That little barcode at the bottom on the front page can tell them everything about you, including where you live in poland and bla bla bla.
I would definitly advise you to pay out your bill, unless you can dispute it. Though if you dont pay it out, they cannt really do anything to you, only to screw up you financial history in north america, and probably follow you in poland, which is not likely. So its up to you my friend.
Oh yea, and my regards to Polish government, that introduces visas for ukrainian nationals! "Great idea", now its gonna be pain in the ass for ukrainians to fly LOT.
Good luck. T.

23-Feb-2003 01:02 AM
 h4sh- thanks for reply Post Reply
Community member
Location: United States
Home Coutry:
you know guys i'm from ukraine too. I live in poland but i was born and used to live in Yalta, Krym
Visas are not required yet :>> Only after a few months. I know cause I'm going to Ukraine this summer.

About my passport- yeah i know they use more stuff to track people down. But they misspelled my name on many different bills from pacific bell and the collectors company- that means that they have wrong info in their database now. And my adress changed now :>

I'll see, i'm gonan get my SSN in a month, then i'll run credit check on it. If it shows anything, then well, I'll have to pay...

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