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31-Jan-2001 12:41 AM
  Check this
Hi for everybody, I think you have to check this link and hope you will enjoy it like I do: Mcloud (
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

31-Jan-2001 12:43 AM
 Re: Check this

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

31-Jan-2001 01:14 AM
 Re: Check this
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

31-Jan-2001 01:39 AM
 Re: Check this
But where is the help? Skin' na milo, please.....
Roxy ......
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

31-Jan-2001 02:48 AM
 Re: Check this
Privet, Solnishko!

Vot tebe help dva.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

31-Jan-2001 03:19 AM
 Re: Check this
Sorry, oshibka vyshla... I'll post the real help as soon as I can. Or, you can ask Dorina, she know the address of the site where you can get help, she showed that to me, too.

Roxy [ This message was edited by: komsaid1 on: 1-31-2001 04:16 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

31-Jan-2001 09:14 PM
 Re: Check this
I forgot that there is no photos in Mc ent. (episod 4)
Now everything is ok. Go and check it.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

31-Jan-2001 09:18 PM
 Re: Check this
Girls, thanks for your help. But it still help for others not for me. But still thanks.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

31-Jan-2001 10:26 PM
 Re: Check this
I hope this time I will manage to explain it. First of all, when writing a message, where you want to include a link, make sure that you checked the "post as HTML" at the bottom of your message box. I will now post two messages, one just as usual and the other as HTML. Because if I post my message as HTML you will not be able to see the formula, if I post it as usual, you will see the formula, but there won't be any link. Let's say you are gonna post a link to yahoo. Actually, if you wanna post a link to some site and write http://... it will come out as a link, in your case I don't know why it didn't come out as a link.
Tak, dal'she. The first one is a usual post to show you the formula to post a link under some other word or phrase, let's call it the link word. The F-la is:
<A HREF="http://whateversiteyouwannapost">link word<A/>
Now let's say again that you wanna post a link to yahoo.
The link word is not exactly a word, it can be just a word, it can be a phrase, it can be a sentence, whatever that comes between the <A HREF=""> and <A/>. So what you really write is:
<A HREF="">link word<A/>
But what you see in the already posted message is just the link word.
Note: If I posted this message as HTML, you would see jsut the "link word" as a link to yahoo, but as it is not posted as HTML, you will see the whole thing and no link.

The next message that I am going to write right after this message is gonna be posted as HTML, so you won't see the formula.

[ This message was edited by: komsaid1 on: 1-31-2001 23:21 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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