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25-Oct-2005 11:51 AM
 Does anyone remember me-reloaded! ugrad 2001-02:) Post Reply
Location: Germany
Home Coutry:
heey guyz! anybody alive out there?? i kinda got jealous to ugrad 01 buddies

i was in upenn-1, june-august 2001... also remember drexel-1 guyz)

25-Oct-2005 04:04 PM
 Re: Does anyone remember me-reloaded! ug Post Reply
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Location: Germany
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temp probs, patience plz
Taras, tut cho-t tochno gluchit', no eto ne ya)))

[Message was edited by LILKA on October 25 ]

25-Oct-2005 04:14 PM
 Re: Does anyone remember me-reloaded! ug Post Reply
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Location: Canada
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Looks like someone is suffering from multiple personality disorder!

25-Oct-2005 04:25 PM
 Re: Does anyone remember me-reloaded! ug Post Reply
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Location: Germany
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had to clean up here after Ksusha's attack, ll drop my ideas za odno))

as most of us didn't hear of each other for loong years, let's share what we've achieved in the meanwhile.. what/where r we up to now... family/kids))) future plans....

i'll start: i was working & studying back in yerevan... a yr ago graduated from institute, now doing masters in humboldt uni in berlin, supported by DAAD-OSI scholarship.

& i was always thinking of meeting all together somewhere.. in one of our nis countries or in europe. too utopistic? remember we had plans to meet every year in diff nis-s?? it's never too late to realize 'm

[Message was edited by LILKA on October 25 ]

25-Oct-2005 04:27 PM
 Re: Does anyone remember me-reloaded! ug Post Reply
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Location: United States
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nu vot teper' eto uzhe tochno ya. sorrik Lil'ka, ya ne hotela toboi pritvoryatsya!

25-Oct-2005 04:28 PM
 Re: Does anyone remember me-reloaded! ug Post Reply
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Location: United States
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Lil'ka, great idea, ty super! Ya seichas v Philly, upenn revisited, only this time will be for longer... priezzhaite v gosti! Ksusha

25-Oct-2005 04:30 PM
 Re: Does anyone remember me-reloaded! ug Post Reply
Country editor
Location: Germany
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Ksusha!!!!! nu nakonec-t rodili)))) daboro pojalovat' k nam!
i davno ti v philli?? kak ya zaviduyu... sheraton esho stoit? a nash Izzy & Zoe's??)))) pretty please, send me pics of old philly?
v gosti, sami ponimaete, ne mojem( jdu te v marte v berline! ti uj postaraysa virvat'ca na conferenciyu)
hugs, Lil

[Message was edited by LILKA on October 25 ]

25-Oct-2005 05:17 PM
 Re: Does anyone remember me-reloaded! ug Post Reply
Community member
Location: United States
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Lil'ka, ty napishi chto ty tam izuchaesh, mozhet poishu conferences dlya tebya tut v upenne... ;) Sheraton stoit, zagorazhivaet mne vid na gorodskoy skyline kak raz v izzi i zoe eshe ne byla, hotya mimo mnogo raz prohodila... nado budet i pravda zaiti kak nibud, for old times sake ;)

25-Oct-2005 05:57 PM
 xochu v upenn! Post Reply
Country editor
Location: Germany
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Ksen', poluchish degree ot upenn?? kluto girl!
naxodi cho-t tam dla menya i posidim v izzy & zoe's vmeste)) in uncc i got business administration, in yerevan cybernetic-economics, here majoring in Entrepreneurship, Information Systems, and Advanced Microeconomic Analysis. some experience in marketing & conflict resolution. i'll try anything, only to get to upenn! till when u'll study there?

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